The Gelatin Secret: The Surprising Superfood that Transforms Your Health and Beauty


What if…

there was a superfood that promised to help heal your digestion, help you lose weight, balance your blood sugar,  improve your memory, improve your bone and joint health, get rid of wrinkles and more? [Read more…]

The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body


What if you could reverse your autoimmune disease?

If there was a way to reverse your autoimmune disease by changing your diet, would you be willing to do it?  Some sources say that cases of autoimmune diseases have tripped in the last two decades, this is an epidemic.  Now, there are over 140 diagnosed autoimmune diseases.   [Read more…]

The Nourished Living Summit – FREE online Natural Parenting Online Health Event


I am in multiple parenting forums and I work with moms on a regular basis as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and a childbirth Doula. I KNOW the questions that moms are asking, I have blogged about a few, and I have asked many of them myself.   The Nourished Living Summit has so many of the answers you have been looking for.  These experts listed are qualified professionals that can help you with your parenting struggles, help you to be a better parent, and get the information you need for a healthy family. [Read more…]

Citrus Splash All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe


The smell of citrus reminds me of spring…

When I close my eyes and I flash back to being a little one at home I can remember the very tidy house my mom kept and the whole thing smelling like Pledge on a regular basis.  I wouldn’t dare clean with pledge these days, but that citrus lemon smell is imprinted in my mind and nostrils even if it was a fake lemon citrus smell.  I do love the smell of citrus when it comes to having a clean home. [Read more…]

The Perfect Essential Oil Blend for Pregnant Moms and Babies: Gentle Baby Essential Oil


You all know that I love my essential oils.  They are absolutely incredible and can take your family from 0 to 60 in just a matter of days on the journey to healthy living.  I do use essential oils every single day.

I admit to a little bit of an addiction (ok, maybe I have a rather large addiction).  But, you will not believe how amazing the health benefits are for your family.  You can read here about the 10 most popular oils in my collection.  If you had a set of them, believe me, you would be addicted too. [Read more…]

How to Safely Use Essential Oils for Babies and Children

How to Safely Use Essential Oils for Babies and Children

Your little one’s safety has been entrusted to you…

You want to make sure you use essential oils wisely. [Read more…]

Gluten Free, Sweet Potato Pancakes

Gluten Free Sweet Potato Pancakes


Sometimes you just need something speedy and tasty to get dinner on the table.  

These gluten-free, grain free sweet potato pancakes are going to become a new staple in my house when hubby is out-of-town.  They were super fast to make and super yummy.  I can honestly say that I didn’t make enough and the kids just wanted more. [Read more…]

A Meat Aversion During Pregnancy: Why it happens and What to do about it


It is fairly common to moms to gain an aversion to meat during their first trimester of pregnancy and if you are anything like I was during my third pregnancy you may be averted to it over the entire pregnancy (this is not good).  I only wish I would have known what I know now about nutrition in order to get a handle on all my food aversions.  Poor little bean and poor mama.

Consuming the proper amount of protein during pregnancy is incredibly important.  So a meat aversion is not conducive to an optimal pregnancy.  During digestion, proteins convert to amino acids which are necessary to to build tissues, muscles, organs and hair.  You can’t live without them and your baby can’t either.  You need quality protein to produce a healthy, happy little bean.  You also need quality protein to experience an elevated mood and to kick anxiety, and depression to the curb. [Read more…]

Giveaway & Sale: DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning Recipes {2 Winners}

DIY Non-toxic Cleaning Recipes


Did you Know??

More than 7 million accidental poisonings occur each year, with more than 75% involving children under age 6!

– The Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

Within 26 seconds after exposure to chemicals such as cleaning products , traces of these chemicals can be found in every organ in the body

– Chec’s HealtheHouse, the resource for Environmental
Health Risks Affecting Your Children [Read more…]

How to Use Food & Herbs to Keep Iron Levels Sufficient During Pregnancy

How to Use Herbs and Food to Keep Iron Levels Sufficient during pregnancy

Sufficient Iron levels during pregnancy are so important…

A pregnant woman’s body has an increased need for iron during pregnancy.   Iron is a major component to hemoglobin which is your blood protein that is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body via the blood and to the placenta.  Since iron is a metal, it is imperative that there is balance of it in the body.  Too much iron can be toxic, while too little iron can cause fatigue or anemia. [Read more…]

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