The Real Cause of Dry Itchy Scalp

dry itchy scalp

I have struggled with dry scalp for years.  I have switched shampoo brands more times then I can count because of it.  Eventually, I just quit shampoo all together for several reasons.  The dry itchy scalp part was one of those reasons.  I was so sick of dry itchy scalp I couldn’t stand it anymore.  I thought it HAD to be related to my choice of shampoo.  I mean, after all my itch would go away for a few weeks when I switched and then it would eventually return. [Read more…]

Do You Suffer from an Autoimmune Disease? This Cookbook may be for You!


Did you see the post that I wrote on The Real Cause of Dark Under Eye Circles?  I wrote that post for two reasons.  #1 I have clients that suffer from dark under eye circles.  #2 My 3-year-old suffers from dark under eye circles.  My little peanut has had gut dysbiosis for quite a long time, but I didn’t realize how severe it was until I finished my Nutritional Therapy Practitioner classes.  Now, we are enforcing a protocol to heal her little gut. [Read more…]

DIY Postpartum Herbal Sitz Bath

Postpartum Herbal Stiz Bath

I am constantly amazed…

At, the body’s ability to create a tiny little human being.  A little bean that grows in to a baby.  That baby grows into a little mini person.  As a childbirth doula, I never tire of the beauty of birth.   [Read more…]

The Cause of Dark Under Eye Circles

Dark Under eye circles

Do you or do one of your children have dark under eye circles?

Dark under eye circles are a good indicator of food allergies.  Seasonal allergies have been known to cause under eye circles as well, but both can be linked back to an abnormal intestinal flora or an abnormally permeable mucus membrane in the gut otherwise known as “leaky gut .   [Read more…]

9 Ways to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder

Do you winter months leave you feeling down and depressed?

Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD as it is appropriately called is known to plague 25% of Americans every fall/winter season.   Due to the natural decrease in sunlight in fall and winter this natural “winter sadness” is due to a decrease of Serotonin uptake in the brain. [Read more…]

10 Essential Oils That You Can Use Everyday

Everyday Oils

As a childbirth Doula and a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I frequently use essential oils for my clients and my own family.  Quality is very important to me.  That is why I only recommend one brand of essential oils.  Throughout my research, I have found that the quality of Young Living Oils is unique.  When I spend time around pregnant or nursing mothers or others with allergic tendencies or sensitivities, purity is even more important when choosing an essential oil.  I do not want any adulterated oils to be anywhere near my mamas or those who I am helping to recover their health.  I also do not want to spend money on oils that have already been diluted in a base oil. [Read more…]

8 Ways to Heal Your Gut {Digestion Part 2}

8 Ways to Heal Your gut

Did you know that your gut is your “second brain”? [Read more…]

Healing Remedies for Cough, Cold and Flu

22 DIY Remedies for Cold and Flu

It is that time of year again, the time of year where all the drug stores have their big signs out front that advertise you to “get your flu shot HERE!” [Read more…]

How Eating More Butter Can Help Improve Your Mental Health

There is often a major stigma associated for those who are suffering from mental health issues, especially moms who have youngins. It seems as though this is entirely more common than my heart can take. I find this stigma completely disturbing because it causes many to hold their tongue and not share with others that they indeed struggle with mental health issues too. This is disturbing because for one it is epidemic and there is much we can do about it.

[Read more…]

Germs VS. Terrain


There are two popular theories on how disease comes about in the body… [Read more…]

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