Do You Suffer from an Autoimmune Disease? This Cookbook may be for You!


Did you see the post that I wrote on The Real Cause of Dark Under Eye Circles?  I wrote that post for two reasons.  #1 I have clients that suffer from dark under eye circles.  #2 My 3-year-old suffers from dark under eye circles.  My little peanut has had gut dysbiosis for quite a long time, but I didn’t realize how severe it was until I finished my Nutritional Therapy Practitioner classes.  Now, we are enforcing a protocol to heal her little gut.

We don’t have any evidence that she has an autoimmune disease, however I have several family members on my husband’s side that do suffer from autoimmune disease.  Autoimmune disease begins as a dysbiosis of the gut is also called “leaky gut” and takes place when the membrane of the gut wall becomes too permeable and allows undigested food particles into the blood stream.  Sometimes, the body begins to attack these food particles and see them as invaders, the body then creates antibodies against these particles thinking that they are invaders. This can cause a whole gamut of health issues.

In our modern American diet gut problems are quite common and each person is different as to problems that they might develop.  Although, I’d heard of the Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook before I didn’t look at it too closely until my friend Jennifer over at 20 Something Allergies suggested that we cook out of it.

CookbookThe closer I looked, the more excited I was about feeding my family from this fabulous cookbook!  This cookbook makes autoimmune cooking easy by eliminating foods that cause common allergies.  There 110 recipes without grains, eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, dairy or nightshades!

Eliminating offending foods from the gut are the first steps to healing the gut and the body!

Not only does this book contain such beautiful and tasty recipes, but it also contains meal plans, grocery shopping lists and detailed instructions on how to get started and be successful!


I enjoy gazing a photos of beautiful food.  And, this book contains beautiful photos and super tasty recipes.  Take a look!


leek soup

That was a photo Mickey’s Celeriac and Leek Soup.  The photo makes me want to eat it right off the page.

Or how about this pumpkin spice cake with ginger snap crust?  I made a one of those last night and served it to my family for breakfast this morning.  They all loved it!


You maybe these Sage-braised Chicken legs and thighs look like a good option to you.


How do you Know if this Book will Help You?

You may have already heard the quote from Hippocrates, “Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food.”  As one who holds study Nutritional Therapy I must agree with my whole heart.

This book is a great start when it comes to altering ones diet in order to promote the body to heal.  Removing offending foods is a great first step, along with working on digestion, and balancing blood sugar.  Since this cookbooks removes foods that most commonly irritate the gut lining it is a great jump-start to overall body healing, starting with the gut.

This book is easy to follow, has beautiful recipes and is so easy to use.  I recommend it highly if you are trying to heal your gut on your own or working alongside a qualified practitioner.

And, right now is the best time to purchase since Mickey Tresscot is giving a 30% off discount for her book The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook when you check out using code LEFTOVERS!  She is offering this special deal from now through Monday night to celebrate Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend.




  1. […] Do you Suffer from an Autoimmune Disease? The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook May Be for You! – More from this domain By Becky Webb Article […]

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