26 Real Food Pumpkin Recipes


It is pumpkin season again.   This is my favorite time of the year!

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Sloppy Lentil Recipe


Y’all I am a BIG fan of meat. BIG FAN.  I wouldn’t ever give it up or encourage anyone to give it up, but meat from good sources can be expensive.  Most of the time, I do feel that the expense is totally worth it for total body health and taste.

I remember eating lots of Sloppy Joes growing up.  Most likely because they were an easy meal for my mom to make.   This Sloppy Lentil recipe is also a very easy dish to make.      My family and I are on a limited budget and we attempt to go meatless at least one or two days a week.  I typically look for great recipes with adequate protein.  I also try to add in a little bit of animal fat here or butter in these recipes if I can to make sure my family gets the fat that it needs.  [Read more…]

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Recipe


 “Hello, my name is Becky and I am a pumpkin addict.”   [Read more…]

Mountain Family Paleo Granola {Grain and Gluten Free}

Paleo Granola

Are you looking for a recipe for tasty, properly prepared, grain free granola? Well, you have come to the right place. Our Mountain Family Paleo Granola is yummy for any belly and is acceptable for those eating Paleo.  This recipe is grain and gluten free. [Read more…]

Summer Squash, Sausage and Chard Flatbread Recipe {Gluten and Grain Free}

I am always trying to come up with creative ways to feed my family.  There are five of us. Three of us are under the age of 5.  Although we have conquered much of our picky eating I do not have kids that will eat everything.

Let the truth be told that even though I claim to be a foodie, and I love to feed my family unprocessed and nourishing food.  I HATE MEAL PLANNING.  Actually, hate is really not a strong enough word.  I dislike meal planning and only enjoy cooking when everyone wants to eat it. (Isn’t that true for everyone?) [Read more…]

Soaked Oatmeal Blueberry Cakes {Gluten Free}

Soaked Blueberry Muffins

We had a very wet summer up here in the mountains.  It was so wet that blueberry season was very short and those yummy berries began to rot on the trees.  It was a sad day to find out that those tasty berries were just turning into a mushy, decaying mess.

Before the berries began rotting, we did some picking and I did get to make some lovely fresh berry treats.  Fresh berries are just one of those glorious bounties of summer.  We still have tons of blueberries to spare hiding in the freezer, but the fresh ones taste so amazing.  I was hoping that they would last into at least part of the winter, but I don’t know if we will have any left even into part of the fall.  My children love blueberries and have been eating them by the handfuls since we had our first pick on July 4th.  We may just have to make picking on the 4th a regular family tradition. [Read more…]

Butter Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Recipe

Ice Cream Recipe


This Butter Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream recipe is so amazing!  I’m mean really…nom, nom, nom.  I can barely wait until I get some more farm fresh milk to scoop the cream off the top to make it again. [Read more…]

Don't know what to make for dinner?