Archives for July 2015

9 Superfoods You Need to Stock Up On

 9superfoodsheaderDo you know that superfoods give you super powers?

They do and that’s what I tell my kids as I am trying to educate them on proper nutrition.

Superfoods are important in the American diet; we miss out so many nutrients because our grocery store bought foods are grown in nutrient depleted soils.

Really, a superfood is a food that is super rich in nutrients.  A real superfood has been proven to deliver the nutrition the body needs to function properly.  Below is a list of superfoods, but it is definitely not a complete list.  These superfoods are some of my favorites. They are foods I keep stocked in my cabinet and hide in my family’s smoothies. [Read more…]

Giveaway: Non-Toxic Sunscreen

Non-toxic Sunscreen giveaway

A sunburn is NOT something I want to mess with when it comes to my children.  Not only do I want them to avoid burning, I don’t believe that most sunscreens on the market are the answer to good health.  Many of them contain toxic chemicals that I don’t want to massage into my children’s (or my own) skin.

The majority of sunscreens contain harmful and toxic chemical fillers and these are toxic substances you do not want to mess with.  The biggest issue with most of the fillers is that they are known hormone disrupters.  I don’t want to put that on the largest organ of my body, do you?  That is why I’m always on the lookout for a wonderful non-toxic sunscreen that actually works.   [Read more…]

30 Ways to Use Thieves Household Cleaner

30 Ways to Use Thieves Household Cleaner - 2

I don’t use chemicals to clean ANYTHING anymore! 

Instead, I use Thieves Household cleaner for EVERYTHING!

Over the past several years, I have detoxed my home completely of anything toxic, harmful, and poisonous for my children, my husband, and I all by using Thieves Household cleaner.  Oh yes, it really can be that easy.

And I have to say, hands down, this is the best natural cleaner that I have EVER used and it really does do EVERYTHING including save you the big bucks by replacing tons of toxic products.

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Iced “Un-coffee”

Iced coffee

I used to be completely addicted to Frappuchinos at Starbucks.

I always thought they were amazing sweet coffee treats. I have never been much of a black coffee drinker.   [Read more…]

Don't know what to make for dinner?