Natural Teething Remedies

Natural Teething Remedies

It is so hard on mommies and daddies when our tiny little babies start getting their teeth.  You know that it hurts them so much to have those teeth break through the gum.  It is clear that the loss of sleep is hard on baby and parents.  I have parents asking me all the time if I could share with them effective natural teething remedies for their little ones.    

Many parents don’t feel comfortable about using baby Orajel, myself included, since it contains Benzocaine an ingredient that the FDA has warned against adverse reactions.  If possible, I like to stay away from all synthetic chemicals since we don’t even know all the adverse effects of many of them.  Little bodies already have too much to detoxify.

Here I have shared some of my favorite teething remedies that I feel are safe, powerful and effective.  If you have any other natural teething remedies that have helped for you and your family please share in the comments below.

518jr3ntxGLBaltic Amber Teething Necklace:  After sleepless nights with my third child I purchased an Amber teething necklace to  for my sweet little one to wear all the time.  The power of the amber teething necklace might sound hokey to some, but it works because the skin absorbs the natural succinic acid that is released when warmed by the skin. I used mine around my baby’s neck during the day and wrapped it around her ankle at night.  This teething necklace should never be put in the mouth, but simple worn around the neck. (Click here to purchase an Amber Teething Necklace.)

Cold Wash cloth or a Cold Spoon:  Cold items can soothe those inflamed gums.  Place a wash cloth or baby safe plastic spoon in the fridge to stay cold and then give to baby to chew on.

Sophie the Giraffe:  Sophie is one of the most loved teething toys of the natural world.  Made out of  non-toxic materials Sophie is easy for baby to chew on and play with when they are trying to soothe painful gums.  (You can get Sophie the Giraffe here.)

Essential Oils:  Many essential oil users such as myself, have seen how powerful that essential oils are in order to soothe sore3431 gums.  I recommend diluting the oil heavily and just swiping even 1/2 a drop on the gums, or you could even dilute it heavily and rub it on their jawline in order to giving it to them internally if you are concerned.  They are powerful to do the trick on a little one.

My favorite essential oils for little babies are lavender, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, or Copaiba.  Although clove is a common oil that is recommended for babies and has been used by parents for years there is some controversy surrounding its safety.  So, after researching it further I would choose one of the oils I mentioned previously.  (Here is where I buy Essential Oils that are pure enough for my baby.)  **Don’t use low quality essential oils that you may find online or at the health food store.  Essential oils are potent extracts that will not be proper quality if you don’t know your source.

Gum Massage:  Gum message can be helpful to soothe our little ones gums.  Simply take a clean finger and rub your finger back and forth on baby’s gums.  You can easily add a diluted essential oil to your finger tip as well to reduce inflammation caused by erupting teeth.

Tell me, which one of these remedies have you used for your teething babies? Are there other natural remedies that you have used as well?

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  1. Tried using lavender (heavily diluted w coconut oil) on his gums. He didn’t take it too well cos shortly after that, he was coughing a lot until he vomitted.

    • Becky Webb says:

      Lavender really doesn’t have the the best taste. I would recommend diluting it and rubbing it on his jaw line. You also only need small amount on your finger when you do rub it on the gums.

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