My Favorite Ways to Keep Little Ears Healthy

Ear Infection

Winter is on its way here again and I know that you want to keep your family healthy and happy.  Since your best option is always prevention I want to show you a few ways that you can keep your children’s ears healthy to avoid the antibiotic use if possible. Below are some of my favorite uses of different products for healthy, happy ears all year around.

What kind of harm can antibiotics do to the body?

You’ve probably heard that antibiotics kill all the good bacteria in the gut along with the bad.  And, that is exactly what they do.  After healthy gut flora has been wiped out through antibiotics, the body’s immune response is taken to a painfully low-level where your child is prone to get many more ear infections that the body can no longer fight off.  The body is also prone to developing many other immune and gut related issues down the road.

Since your gut flora and proper digestion is responsible to successfully begin many of the processes in your body, you can see why this is a major problem.  Many parents report that even though the child may not experience any more pain, the ear infection problem doesn’t actually go away and the pain continues to return.   After a dose of antibiotics many doctors will recommend feeding your child yogurt on a regular basis but, will that really repopulate the gut flora?  With all the gut problems out there these days and the developing super bugs it certainly doesn’t seem so.

As a parent it is easy to feel absolutely helpless when your child develops an ear infection, it is absolutely awful to see them in so much pain.  I have three little ones ages 7, 5 & 3, and I have administered an antibiotic one time for ear infections.  When my middle child was 18 months I only wish I had all the preventative natural remedies in my arsenal that I have now.  I think that some of the food allergies that we are working to reverse with her today is from that round of antibiotics two years ago.  Thankfully, those are the only antibiotics that I have ever had to give her due to our natural living practices.

Let’s only use them for emergencies.  Mmmm, k?

Here is my failproof remedy:

This may  not work for everyone since everyone is a bio-individual and has a body that works differently.  However, this has worked for us every single time I’ve used it!  For us, it has completely fail proof for all three of my littles!  I also know other mammas it has worked for.  If this remedy doesn’t work for you check out the other remedies I’ve included below.

Place several drops of warm (not hot) garlic oil in the ear.  You can purchase a brand such as this one  (referral link) or you can make it yourself by lightly sauteing garlic in olive oil.  – If you saute the oil just make sure you cool it so that it is warm and never hot to put in you or your child’s ear.  Or, if you use an already made bottle just place the bottle in a mug of very warm water.  It will warm to the perfect temperature.

If you can have the garlic oil sit on the ear drum for a while.  You can place a cotton ball in the ear to catch any dripping oil.

This is my secret weapon…

Purification15-p18dl2s23r1jdlobv4d214v21oilPlace purification essential oil on the bone around the outside of the ear (not in your child’s ear).   It has worked every time for prevention for my children thus far.  After I administer this remedy they instantly drift off to dream land.  Amazing!

Do you want to find out where you can get some purification essential oil?  Puification can be purchased in a Young Living starter kit.  (And, trust me there are tons of uses for the rest of the oils too! Just subscribe in the box belowand I can tell you all about them.)

Other Fantastic Help to Keep Ears Healthy:

No More Ear Amoxicillan by Dr. Mary Ann Block – This is a step by step guide to help treat ear infections naturally complete with massage to move the fluid out of the ear and more.

We’ve also used homeopathic remedies to avoid ear infections. Last night I gave my littlest Pulsatila and it worked amazing.  But homeopathic remedies can be tricky until you learn how to use them or have a homeopath that you can visit.  It is worth reading up on if you want to learn how to administer homeopathic remedies.

And, the body always functions best when it is given a healing diet.  If given the tools it needs the body can fight off both viruses and bacteria that can cause ear infections.  Find a local Nutritional Therapy Practitioner or holistic doctor to help guide you through the process.


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  1. I made my first batch of garlic oil for a terrible ear ache over New Years while visiting family. It worked wonderfully & the pain was gone within 24 hours. Even better, it didn’t cost me an out of state urgent care visit!

  2. Crystal says:

    We have on hand the kids drops by Willow (mommy uses them too), also colloidal silver.

  3. Can garlic drops be used if a child has tubes?

    • Becky Webb says:

      That is a good question Tracy. I’m not sure. Can fluid get into the inner ear when a child has tubes or just out? Can they go swimming with tubes? If they can go swimming it is most likely fine, but I would recommend asking your doctor. If a child does get reoccuring ear infections it is a good idea to get them on a good probiotic and off dairy and/or other allergens. Often times their low immune system is due to problems with the gut and allergens. I would also recommend the Purification oil to apply around the ear when it is uncomfortable and other oils like Thieves EO and lavender EO to boost immunity both can be found in the Premium Starter Kit. You can read more here:

  4. Great info! Do you dilute the purification oil for the ears or do you use the oil as is?

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