Gaps Class: Heal Naturally

Are you looking for help in your child’s behavior or help with healing their gut?  

The GAPS class has been written by Melanie Christner a fellow Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and a Certified GAPS practitioner.  It may be just what you are looking for in order to help your child down the road to healing.

Do you have a child that exhibits difficult behavior such as:

  • they can’t focus
  • they are not connecting like they used to
  • they have uncontrollable emotions
  • has frequent outbursts of anger
  • suffers from anxiety and/or depression

It is a good chance that when your child exhibits these problems a medical professional is going to prescribe you a medication, but is this really the best route to take?

Did you know that many of the problems that children face today are due to their diet and that the root of the problem is healing their gut?   But, for many parents it can be extremely overwhelming to figure out exactly what your child needs and how to prepare it.  Let’s face it, we all have very busy schedules and there is that you feel like you need to know.


  • how the brain and the gut work together
  • how to best support the brain and gut by choosing your foods wisely, based on a proven protocol designed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.
  • how to prepare GAPS foods
  • how to plan meals
  • how to budget
  • what products to use on your body that support the brain and gut
  • how to create a daily routine with ease to support this new lifestyle

You will be completely supported throughout the class, and beyond, through our private Facebook community and Pinterest pages.

GAPS Class is a 12-week program for busy moms of young children, who are determined to provide a healthy environment for their child to grow. Adults do really well on GAPS also and are welcome.

The program is fun and supportive. The information is always available so you can reference it at any time. The materials are presented in different formats to allow you to choose the method of learning that works best for you.



This Class is registering until February 19th.

And, begins February 25th.

The Modules are released once weekly.

Click to learn more.

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