Archives for October 2016

7 Keys to Experience Amazing Health


Years ago when I started this blog I thought the mystery of health was ALL completely bound up in nutrition.  I thought if I ate the right foods and drank the right drinks; if I did it all perfectly my health problems would completely disappear. Now I’ve discovered that it simply isn’t true. In that type of thinking perfection quickly becomes bondage, and perfection is one of the the greatest tragedies that we can live in. This limited view of only part of the self and not the whole self can actually damage our quest to be healthy and well.

I have found this demand for perfection to be true in every community on cyber space and on the home front. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about our nutrition, if we are using our essential oils correctly, if we are parenting correctly, if we pick the right presidential candidate or if we do everything right in our relationships. The idea of perfection quickly becomes a road block and a cause of constant stress and disappointment.    [Read more…]

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