Lavender Citrus Potty Training Spray :: {toxin-free cleaning solution for child & pet accidents}


Lavender Citrus Potty Training Spray

Yesterday afternoon I ran upstairs when I heard my daughter screaming…

She had already thrown up all over her bed and more was coming up!  Yup, I caught it right in my two little hands.  I guess that most moms know that they are signing up for this kind of dirty work when they decide to have children.  After that little burp in my afternoon, I had an immediate need for cleaning spray in order to get the aftermath out of my carpet.  I pulled out this tried and true recipe for potty training spray.  It is great for throw-up, pee, poop and any other gross things that might find their way into your carpet.  

My little peanut had taken a liking yesterday afternoon to the coconut oil infused with cod liver oil from Green Pastures.  She just kept asking for it by the teaspoon.  I think it was just too much fat on her little tummy and it made her lunch come back up.  She had looked a little nauseated when I put her down for her nap yesterday, my poor little peanut.

I guess I should have cut her off.  But, I thought it was too good to be true that she was sucking that stuff down.  You just can’t seem to get enough vitamin D this time of year, you know?  I hope she absorbed the goods before the rest of lunch came spilling out.  (I hope I’m not making you a little queasy.)

You know that I love my essential oils.  I use them daily.  They are very much part of normal family life around The Webb Household.  And, you never know when you need a few on hand to whip up some kind of stellar throw-up or potty training spray like this one, got to make sure that I have plenty of those essential oils on hand.  I just did rub-a-dub on my carpet with this recipe and it was fresher than it was before the mishap.

Lavender oil is known for its purifying properties so it is great for a cleaning aid.   And, orange oil is another essential oil for cleaning and purifying. 

Essential oils have so many great properties that they really do have multiple uses.  I recommend keeping some top-notch oils on hand all the time.  This solution can be easily used for throw up, pee or any other yucky messes that you want to get rid of smell fast.  It works fantastic and smells great!

Lavender Citrus Potty Training Spray {For Kids and Pets Too}

2 cups filtered water

4 T baking soda

1 T Borax

2 T vinegar

6 drops Lavender essential oil

6 drops Orange essential oil(or Citrus Fresh)

Add all ingredients to a mason jar or spray bottle and shake until combined.   Spray (or drizzle) on affected area and wipe clean.

If you want to learn more about essential oils make sure you visit my essential oil page here to find out the two kinds that I use.  And, make sure you stop by on Thursday for the Day in the Life of an Oiler Series.  I will show you how I use my oils on a daily basis.


  1. Lauree K. says:

    Hi, I made up a batch of this to try today after my daughter peed on our living room rug. That said, is it safe for carpet and hardwood? Also, I keep having a white powder (I’m assuming the Borax) separate and settle to the bottom which then clogs the sprayer. Is this something you’re familiar with? Is there a trick to keep that from happening? Otherwise, it smells great. 🙂 Thanks.

    • Becky Webb says:

      I use it on my carpet all the time. I don’t know why it wouldn’t be safe. Although you could test a small inconspicuous corner to make sure. You may want to warm the water and dissolve the borax in warm water when you are making the solution. I honestly have never used it in a spray bottle yet. I have kept it in the mason jar like the one you seen in the photo and just poor a little bit on the spot and use a cloth to rub it in and wipe it clean.

  2. I have little kids and it is happening almost every other day and i also use multiple cleaning solutions for these kind of things. But this kind of solution with oils seems very different. This home made remedy for odors is very innovative and you say it kills germs as well. I will definitely try it.Thanks for the valuable advice.
    Pet Sprays recently posted…INGREDIENTS IN PET FOODMy Profile

  3. Candace says:

    Hi I have used borax to kill bugs and insects like cockroaches, ants, and others… So is this safe? Thanks

  4. Another thing that works very well, I use Seventh Generation color safe bleach with your recipe above for bedwetting accidents etc and it is marvelous, plus seems to keep it from staining.


  1. […] Lavender Citrus Potty Training Spray (Non-Toxic Solution for Child & Pet Accidents) {Rooted Blessings} […]

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